
Before integrating and sending tests with Hightouch, make sure you've completed the following:

  1. Create a campaign in Poplar - sign up for free here.
  2. Upload creative (can be a placeholder creative for testing purposes - Poplar Creative Templates)
  3. Locate both your Production Access Token and Test Access Token on the API page of your Poplar Account



Log into your Hightouch account

Navigate to Destinations -> " Add destination"

Select Destination: Type " Poplar" and connect.



Copy/Paste the Test API token from the Integrations page in your Poplar account.


Configure Sync

Choose the model you would like to sync

Select Poplar as destination

Select "Campaign Trigger"

Select your Poplar campaign

Select your creative (optional) - if left blank, Poplar will automatically a/b split between all active creatives in the specified campaign


Map Fields

Map fields from your source to the equivalent fields in Poplar

Merge Tags

If using a dynamic creative, include any additional fields to map the the merge tag fields

Test Connection

Choose a profile that has all the necessary attributes and click "Sync as added row"

Look for 200 OK: Success Response

Check the History tab in Poplar to confirm integration success

Once connection is verified, click "Continue"


Production Token

In Hightouch, navigate back to Destinations -> Poplar Destination -> Configuration -> Edit

Copy/Paste Production API token from Poplar Integrations page

Save & Exit


Run Sync

Navigate to Syncs -> Run Sync

Need help? Reach out to support@heypoplar.com for assistance.